Lilith McIntyre Molloy

Who I Am:

Hi, I'm Lilith Molloy. For three years, I've developed new fintech web applications for PNC's tech incubator, numo. Before that, I got into programming through self-study, then graduated from Academy Pittsburgh developer training camp. I am interested in impactful work on a flexible schedule.


Card-Linked Offer Web Platform (Triple): 2021-2023

As part of Triple, I helped to build a banking-grade web application for distributing card-linked offers. I used Terraform to deploy Python scripts to AWS Cloud. I built automated pipelines to extract data from client spreadsheets, clean that data, verify it against business logic, and incorporate it into our databases. I also helped save meaningful development time by automating common operational tasks with a simple Justfile.

Data Visualization Browser App (Chart): 2020-2021

I helped build a browser application for data visualization as part of a small team. I worked closely with our designers and data scientists to ship frequent new features that made it easy and clear for users to leverage our database of retail spending records and predictions. I worked on both the browser-based frontend in functional React as well as serverside node with Express.

Work Process Automation for Community Kitchen Pittsburgh: 2019

With a small team, I developed a programmatic solution to a work process bottleneck for Community Kitchen Pittsburgh, a non-profit organization providing culinary industry training while supplying grade schools with meals. We automated a critical work process, which had previously taken three hours per week to perform, with a program that executes in two minutes. Based on the client's needs, we built our solution in Google Apps Script so that it would be easy to run from within the already-existing spreadsheet.


  • Python
  • Terraform
  • SQL
  • shell scripting
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • node
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • AWS Cloud
  • Git
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Functional Programming
  • automated testing
  • Testing-Driven Development
  • RESTful web APIs
  • Infrastructure as Code


  • Graduated Academy Pittsburgh Software Development Bootcamp Summer 2019
  • Certified at Responsive Web Design, Algorithms & Data Structures, and Front End Libraries
  • Attended University of Pittsburgh


numo, llc: January 2020 - June 2023

I was responsible for developing, deploying, and maintaining frequent new software features. My coworkers and I used Agile project management principles, peer code review, and thorough automated testing coverage to continually fulfill client needs.